Thursday, October 20, 2011

All in a Day's Work

Nothing makes me feel like am an amazing mother more than watching my child do chores. (Except for maybe hiding quinoa in his oatmeal). Supposedly adult success can be attributed to whether or not a child did chores from ages 3-5. My kid is getting a head start.

I was unable to get a picture of him bringing in the groceries and putting them in the fridge. Too busy barking orders.
PS - I just realized he's naked/semi naked in many of these pictures. He's potty training. I typically do dress my child. Sometimes.


  1. I picked the nakedness up right away. I try to dress my man every day just because I laugh at you for not dressing yours. Can't be a hypocrite.

    And I'd like a source for the successful adult bit.

    I love that boy!

  2. The pictures made me smile. I'm impressed that he's helping you with all those things. I too enjoy enlisting the help of my little people and it brings me joy as well....even if I can't watch them empty the dishwasher.
