Saturday, June 4, 2011

If It's Worth Telling

My motto for this blog is that if it's a story worth telling it's a story worth writing. So where to start? Just the other night I was sitting in bed with Hunter almost falling asleep when I jumped awake and exclaimed "I forgot to tell you what Milo did today!".

Nonno and he were washing the BMW and while dad was leaning over to wipe Milo grabbs the nozzle, points the gun at Nonno and shoots. He sprays water all over him with a radiant grin. Nonno decided to finish washing while Milo napped.

I laughed and laughed marveling at his comic genius. How does a two year old know what's funny? How does he know how to tease? Sure, sure, he mimics and follows what we do but I've never sprayed him in the head with a hose. He did that all on his own. My little Seinfeld in the making.

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