Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Like Her

Sometimes I find myself longing to be near her. I imagine quietly opening her door, softly padding across the floor and silently lying down next to her crib. The carpet, plush yet somehow also rough, against my cheek, my hand brought up to my chest.

She's in there, the dark espresso crib and I can hear her breathe her small little breaths. At a distance, these breaths make me wonder whether or not she's really breathing but I can hear her when I'm this close. I wouldn't dare place a hand on her, in fear of waking her up, but I can imagine her warmth and doughy heaviness, sweating in my arms.

I think that if I'm near her maybe some of her peace, her calmness, her ever emanating sweetness would somehow rise from her like a breeze and fall gently on me. I would inhale and she would seep into my pores and maybe it would make me smile widely, eyes crinkled, when I see the faces of my loved ones. Or maybe I would begin to kick my feet and wave my arms at the sight of good food or green grass. Maybe I'd grin and catch my breath when a heavy wind blows my hair in my eyes and catches me by surprise.

And maybe, hopefully, I would finally beam with a pride that is untainted by judgement when I stand up on my own or climb a difficult stair or begin to clap my hands.


  1. I just love your blog. I feel these exact same things with Scarlett, but all I say is, "She's just so sweet!" Ha. You do such a great job putting things in to words! Loved this.

    Also, you make me want to take a creative writing class. I loved writing essays in English in high school and used to love to write poetry and stories when I was younger. Now I don't, but your writing inspires me!! You're one of my favourite people. I find you so interesting!

  2. Oh Lindsay, you're so kind. Sometimes I feel silly writing but then I can't help myself. I have to. I think you should totally start writing again. I'd love to read what you write. We could start a writing club!! And I love your blog posts. They're funny and sweet and honest. They're uplifting.
    Thanks for commenting.
